Wildlife sightings.
Well I have pasted the billion mark on seeing pelicans. Oh, wait that was my first day on board. The pelicans are everywhere. Sometimes they even try to come on the boat as the pelican below did.

This pelican, by the way, is the stupidest pelican ever born. This photo is not the first time that day he tried to fly through our window, or into the side of the boat.
I have also seen sperm whales. One morning during breakfast we were literally surrounded by them. They were all over the place. I never got a great shot of one, but below you can see their strange heads.

And one exhaling.

Other wildlife sightings include a trip to see some dying squid after a beach visit. The squid had come up, basically to the shore to spawn and then once they have done so they die. I don't have any pictures of them, but I'll try to get some from my co-workers. One person was able to get a video of one changing colors as it lived out its last minutes. This happens because the squid have the ability to change colors, but when they die they cannot control how this happens and therefore the colors change rapidly. It's pretty awesome to watch.
Besides that there have been a ton of birds. I could not even tell you what kinds. Many sea lions (see a previous post for photos). We see lots of fish when we are docked. At one beach when we anchor the water just off the stern is always full of puffer fish. We learned that they bite when one of the DIB drivers put her foot into the water and got a bite. I have seen many crabs also. When we are one the beach we often find the dried remains of puffer fish, sea stars, crabs, parrot fish, and other mystery aquatic beings. Unfortunately I have (for now) very few photos. I'll track some down when I get to Mexico though.

This pelican, by the way, is the stupidest pelican ever born. This photo is not the first time that day he tried to fly through our window, or into the side of the boat.
I have also seen sperm whales. One morning during breakfast we were literally surrounded by them. They were all over the place. I never got a great shot of one, but below you can see their strange heads.

And one exhaling.

Other wildlife sightings include a trip to see some dying squid after a beach visit. The squid had come up, basically to the shore to spawn and then once they have done so they die. I don't have any pictures of them, but I'll try to get some from my co-workers. One person was able to get a video of one changing colors as it lived out its last minutes. This happens because the squid have the ability to change colors, but when they die they cannot control how this happens and therefore the colors change rapidly. It's pretty awesome to watch.
Besides that there have been a ton of birds. I could not even tell you what kinds. Many sea lions (see a previous post for photos). We see lots of fish when we are docked. At one beach when we anchor the water just off the stern is always full of puffer fish. We learned that they bite when one of the DIB drivers put her foot into the water and got a bite. I have seen many crabs also. When we are one the beach we often find the dried remains of puffer fish, sea stars, crabs, parrot fish, and other mystery aquatic beings. Unfortunately I have (for now) very few photos. I'll track some down when I get to Mexico though.
I love it! I want some more OF it! Great blog! FYI I'm doing great, top 20% of the class, and probably going to work at the SF Public Defenders Officer over the summer. Hoping you're loving the experience (and that the new ship is easier on your joints than the last one).
More interestingly, I ran into Alex, with whom you did SSDP when I visited her very dyke-y house in Berkeley. Good ganj there... and the other Alex, the one with the wings, is coming to live there. So come find me when next you're in town, and we'll go on an adventure to Berkeley. Ciao, bella!
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